Walk Through (Time Management is Life management)

Cape and Drew start off by explaining how before every game they would have a walk through (going over scenarios, clock management, plays, other opponents plays) and how it was all a method of being more prepared than your opponent. They go on to explain how they have applied those same principles to life after sports and how it prepared them for their approach to their careers. The two discuss how valuable time is and how being late sends a direct message to a person that you don't value their time which is one of the most disrespectful things you can do. They then talk about the "lack of sense of urgency" mentality and how student-athletes can separate themselves in the real world by just being consistently on time. The two discuss how they treat everything their supervisors might ask them to do the same as if when their coach would ask them to do something back in their playing days. They then divulge in the important of creating good habits and use Steph Curry as an example. The two conclude the episode by encouraging student-athletes to use what they learned regarding time management from participating in sports.